
In the center of Umbria, the “green heart of Italy”, on a spur of the Apennines, the extreme offshoot of Mount Serano, stands the ancient town of Trevi in ​​a unique and incomparable setting.

…di Trevi la città
che con iscena d’aerei tetti la ventosa cima
tien sì che a cerchio con l’estrema schiena
degli estremi edifizi il pié s’adima;
pur siede in vista limpida e serena
e quasi incanto il viator l’estima,
brillan templi e palagi al chiaro giorno
e sfavillan finestre intorno intorno.

This is how Leopardi describes Trevi as he passed through the Flaminia one sunny afternoon.

But any traveller, even if he does not use such refined words and concepts, is certainly admired by the glance offered by the buildings with their masses and their warm colors highlighted by the surrounding greenery.

On the stretch of the ancient consular road that runs at the foot of the hill it is common to come across tourists who, having pulled up to the edge of the road with their cars, try to capture with a camera the Leopardian enchantment that arouses the panoramic vision of Trevi