

Informations request

    Name (*)

    Surname (*)

    Email (*)

    Phone (*)

    How did you know about us (*)

    Subject of Inquiry (*)

    Your message

    I agree to the processing of data according to privacy legislation.

    I read the privacy information drawn up in accordance with the EU GDPR 2016/679, relating to the processing of personal data adopted by the Albergo Ristorante il Tartufaro, I agree to the use of my data, with the checkmark, as below:

    To fulfill the obligations established by art. 109 of the D.R. 18/06/1931 n. 733 and subsequent amendments, for the registration and communication to the police headquarters of the personal details of the customers accommodated (without this consent, it is not possible to continue with the contract for the sale of services).

    To fulfill administrative, accounting and tax obligations, your name will be included in our archives also to facilitate registration operations in view of a future stay at our facility (without this consent, it is not possible to continue with the sales contract of services). The data will remain stored for a period not exceeding that required by current legislation.

    To carry out the function of receiving and sending messages and/or phone calls that may arrive from outside and addressed to you during your stay.

    To send promotional messages through our email, text message or other channels, but always managed directly by our organization.

    I am aware that I can request a change to the consents provided at any time, that I can request a copy of all the data present and request its modification or cancellation. The deadline for compliance is 30 days from the request which must be sent by email to the address: The person responsible for electronic data processing is Mr. Angelo Luzi

    Sending this form implies consent to the processing of data in accordance with privacy legislation.